EIT Digital Professional School
Digitalisation and Industry 4.0 in Food Processing
A blended training course based on a new approach considering the specific requirements and constraints of the implementation of digitization and industry 4.0 in the food processing industry for improved process control, flexible production for meeting the diversity of consumer needs at reasonable costs, maintenance, logistics.
The new skills (technical, management, business, innovation) and experience of the trainees on working in transdisciplinary teams at the face2face workshop will enable them to act as champions/promoters of the introduction and diffusion of the concept, innovative technology and business approach of the application of the digital and i4.0 solutions for the modernization of the food industry.
Digital solution providers will explore and understand the specific problems, needs and requirements of the food processing while food industry professionals will meet and learn the new possibilities and enablers of digitalization and Industry4.0. The face-2-face workshop and group work will enable a transdisciplinary dialogue, mutual understanding and community building between the representatives of the different professions.
Key take aways / Benefits
- Become a pioneer of Food Industry4.0 and the digital revolution of the food chain
- Learn from experts of cutting-edge research fields and experienced professionals of food processing
- to meet the needs and requirements of food manufacturing businesses with digital solutions and how to overcome the food industry-specific barriers
- to identify new opportunities in improving the performance of food processing operations - 2+2 days intensive and comprehensive blended course covering all relevant topics of digitalization in the food industry
- Transdisciplinary face-2-face workshops with real-life demos and exercises to gain hands-on experiences about the implementation of novel solutions in food processing
- Apply your knowledge to lead the digital transformation of the food industry
- Digital solution providers will explore and understand the specific problems, needs and requirements of the food processing
- Food industry professionals will meet and learn the new possibilities and enablers of digitalization and Industry4.0
- Both groups will benefit from the transdisciplinary dialogue and community building through the face-2-face workshop and hands-on exercises
Who should attend
- Future I4.0 managers of food companies, who will be aware of the enabling functions and application opportunities of the I4.0 solutions in the food industry
- R+I staff of I4.0 and digital solution providers -who will understand the needs of the food industry.
Learnings Goals
Gain deeper insight into the basic aspects of application of digital and Industry4.0 solutions of food processing and the possibilities provided by digitalization and Industry 4.0 for the Food Industry
Discover the possibilities and limitations of the implementation of digital solutions in the food processing
Understand the basics and trends of consumer needs and customer requirements in the Food Industry
Experience the opportunities provided by the implementation of digital solutions in the food processing
Course Content
This course provides background knowledge and hands-on trainings on
Why do we need to implement Industry4.0 in food processing?
(priorities in the scope of applications; Information statistics, on current applications of I4.0 and digital solutions in food processing; current initiatives and programs)Introduction to Industry 4.0 and digitization
(basic definitions, notions, concepts, principles of I4.0 and digitization)Introduction to the operation, needs of the food processing industry
(basic definitions of food processing; typical operations, measurement tasks of food processing, storage transport, and distribution; a simple overview of the principles of the HACCP system; typical priorities, needs, challenges of food manufacturers for I4.0 and digital solutions based on the drivers for R+I in the food industry)Management process of developing new products and processes
(developing new food products and food technologies; developing new I4.0 solutions from concept definition till the final solution; process of adoption of new technologies in food businesses with particular focus to SMEs)Industry 4.0 and digital techniques
(Data collection and data analyses; significance of the root cause analysis in food safety and quality management systems; vision systems, IoT- Connected manufacturing sensors in food processing operations and food factory environment, AI, digital twins, personalized production, additive manufacturing, 3D printing, robotics, collaborative robots)Business applications
(ERP systems, management of business processes; business models)Group exercises in transdisciplinary teams on identification of needs and potential solutions
Format: 4 e-learning modules (4 x 4 hours within two weeks) + 3 days 6 hours/day online workshop with case studies and group exercises (virtual F2F); equivalent to 4 mandays in sum
Date: Online course: 17-28 May 2021; virtual F2F online workshop: 1-3 June 2021
Price:1850€ excluding tax (virtual F2F online workshop)
Language: English
Registration via the following link: https://professionalschool.eitdigital.eu/digitalisation-and-industry-40-in-food-processing
Eng. Giacomo Copani
(author, trainer), Head of Manufacturing Business Models Research at National Research Council of Italy (STIIMA-CNR). Cluster Manager of AFIL, the Advanced Manufacturing Cluster of Lombardy Region. He is an expert in manufacturing business models design/assessment and industrial servitization processes. Coordinator and WP leader of several European and National projects.
Dr. Walter Terkaj
(author, trainer), Researcher at STIIMA-CNR and formerly Adjunct Professor at Politecnico di Milano. He has experience in the study and modelling of production systems aimed at supporting the design, performance evaluation, management and control in the scope of digital factory technology. He participated in several national and European research projects (FP7, H2020, Erasmus+).
Dr. Giovanni Attolico
(author, trainer), Leader of the Research on the application of Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence to Food Quality and Safety Control at National Research Council of Italy (STIIMA-CNR). He has a long experience in processing and analysis of multispectral and hyperspectral images. Leader of research units in projects founded by public institutions and private companies.
dr. András Sebők
(author, trainer), General Manager of Campden BRI Hungary. 44 years’ experience in food industry R+I, training, knowledge transfer, food safety management – hygiene, application of digital solutions in food processing. Chairman of the research & innovation expert group of the FoodDrink Europe. Leader of the EIT FOOD RIS Hub in Hungary. WP leader, participant of several H2020, FP7 and FP6 projects.
Attila Berczeli
(author, trainer), Deputy General Manager of Campden BRI Hungary. Relevant experience in food industry R+I, training, knowledge transfer, food safety management – hygiene, application of digital solutions in food processing.
Marta Alexy
(author, trainer), agricultural engineer, leader of the Agricultural Informatics research group at ELTE Faculty of Informatics.
Ádám Tarcsi
(author, trainer), IT researcher, Dean’s Advisor on Strategic Affairs, Lecturer at Department of Media & Educational Technology, founder at IoT&Data Innovation Lab at Eötvös Loránd University
About the suppliers of the masterclass
Campden BRI Hungary is a private food industrial R+D+I organization, with long national & international R&D&I practice, training experiences to a large number of food businesses, providing R+D+I, KTT, auditing food safety management systems and implementation of capacity building programs, and improving competitiveness through sustainable production and reduction of use of resources. It has relevant experience in matching food industry needs and digital & I4.0 solutions and has a key role in different European transdisciplinary projects related to digitalisation.
CNR is the major public body in Italy performing research, innovation and supporting education and policy making, with experience in Industry 4.0.
Hungarian ELTE university’s Faculty of Informatics has long experience on IoT, big data analytics - artificial intelligence.