Campden BRI Hungary is the Hungarian EIT Food Hub
its Network Partner PANNONPRO Innovations LTD.
The European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) is an independent EU body based in Brussels that is strengthening Europe’s ability to innovate. The EIT plays a vital role in supporting the EU’s objectives of creating sustainable economic growth and jobs by enabling entrepreneurs and innovators to turn their best ideas into products and services for Europe.
The EIT nurtures entrepreneurial talent and supports new ideas, bringing together the ‘knowledge triangle’ of leading companies, universities and research centres to form dynamic crossborder partnerships called Innovation Communities (KICKnowledge and Innovation Community).
Website of EIT- European Institute of Innovation and Technology:

EIT Food is one of the Innovation Communities of European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), dealing with food specialized concerns. Its communication and dissemination activities in Hungary are carried out by Campden BRI Hungary Nonprofit Ltd.
EIT Food Hubs are key players in the regional innovation system and with valuable experience in supporting entrepreneurs and organising local events. These Hubs will implement EIT Food-related activities aimed at local stakeholders in Regional Innovation Scheme (EIT RIS) countries (Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia and Turkey). Their main objective is to help boosting local innovation eco-systems and their innovation outputs, which would lead to an increase in each country’s overall innovation performance.
Further information about the EIT RIS website:
Further information about the Hungarian EIT Food Hub:
Further information:
dr. Adrienn Hegyi, Campden BRI Hungary
Judith Cser, Campden BRI Hungary